Seat Time Race Solutions
Providing access to professional racing simulators for race drivers of all levels.
To enable all levels of race driver from aspiring track day novice to race professional to improve their track performance through increased Seat Time

About Seat Time Race Solutions
To enable all levels of race driver from aspiring track day novice to race professional to improve their track performance through increased Seat Time.
Seat Time in a race car is essential to developing race skills. Understanding car setup and familiarity with the detail of each circuit. However the cost, time and availability to practise is often prohibitive.
That’s where a Pro Race Simulator comes in, immersing the driver in as near to reality experience enabling practise, coaching and new track familiarisation
Combine this with telemetry and data analysis and you have the most cost effective way to reduce lap times.


Simworx, provider of the latest, most extreme state of the art Motorsport Simulators and professional quality racing controls that blurs the line between the virtual and reality

PRG Trailers
STRS are the Australian re-seller of PRG motorsport trailers.
At PRG Trailers, we pride ourselves in producing the best trailers possible; from a basic ‘Fixed-Bed’ unit, right through to our fully enclosed ‘Prosporter’ – in fact each trailer is tailored to meet your specific need – whether you’re taking the team leader to the track or moving that prized vintage vehicle to the show, we can provide exactly what you’re looking for in a vehicle transporter trailer

Track Performance Solutions
Track Performance Solutions offer race track support for your practice day, supersprint or race meet including car preparation and transport.
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